Consultations and Checkup

Consultations and Checkup

Consultations and Checkup

Women of different ages and marital statuses should also undergo regular gynaecological checkups. This helps to detect common women's health issues in the early stage, even if there are no obvious symptoms. These include uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, osteoporosis, menopause, female urinary problems, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc., and can be timely followed up and treated. 

Gynecological consultations and examinations include taking a medical history, physical examinations (measuring blood pressure, weight; checking breasts, abdomen, and pelvic ultrasound), cervical cell examinations, and guidance on how to conduct a “self-breast examination”. If necessary, the doctor will recommend and arrange for further examinations.

Learn more: Gynaecological Problems

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