Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI), is a procedure in which processed sperms from the male partner are injected into the uterine cavity to increase the chances of pregnancy. It is often used with medications to stimulate ovulation.
This treatment requires that the woman have patent fallopian tubes, and the man's motile sperm count should be sufficient.


Who is suitable for AIH (IUI)?

  • Women with mild endometriosis
  • Men with mild sperm problems
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Couples experiencing difficulties with sexual intercourse (ovarian stimulation not necessary)

Before undergoing ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination, doctors usually recommend some basic tests to assess whether the couple is suitable for the procedure.

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Patient Journey of IUI treatment

Initial Consultation

We ask couples to bring records of any previous infertility workup, including HSG films, semen analysis reports, basal body temperature charts, and previous operative records, to their appointment. We will be your guides throughout the programme, and may order additional investigations to pinpoint the root cause of your infertility or assist in decision-making. As part of the initial evaluation, we require all patients to attend the clinic on day 2 or 3 of their menstrual cycle for a vaginal scan to exclude ovarian cysts and blood hormone tests. 


To begin, we kindly request that the patient couple sign consent forms and provide a marriage certificate.

Rest assured that we're here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the support you need.

Hormonal Stimulation

We will work with you to create a treatment plan that may include oral or injected medication to stimulate ovulation. 

Regular vaginal scans will be performed to monitor your ovarian response, starting on day 5 after medication. This helps us prevent excessive follicular development and determine the best time for insemination. Our goal is to achieve 1-3 mature follicles, which can increase your chances of success.

Monitoring the Maturation of Follicles

Regular ultrasound scanning (USS) of the ovaries is carried out in order to monitor the size of your follicles and help us determine the best timing for egg collection. To complete the final maturation step and ensure the timely release of the eggs, an additional injection, typically in the form of placental hormone (hCG), will be administered. Egg collection will be scheduled for 34-36 hours after this injection, allowing you time to prepare and rest.

Inducing Ovulation

To help trigger ovulation, we administer hCG injections when the largest follicle is mature enough. This helps us optimise the timing of insemination.

Semen Collection and Sperm Washing

For the best possible outcome, we recommend that the husband provide a semen sample on the day of ovulation, either at home or in the laboratory, about 3 hours before insemination. We will separate and highly concentrate the sperm to ensure that only the healthiest and most viable sperm are used.


Now is the time to place the washed specimen directly into your uterine cavity using a catheter. This is a gentle and minimally invasive procedure that typically causes little to no discomfort.


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