Pre-pregnancy assessment, fertility counselling & investigations

Pre-pregnancy assessment, fertility counselling & investigations

Fertility assessment (by Reproductive Medicine specialist)

Fertility assessment (by Reproductive Medicine specialist)

A fertility assessment is conducted by a reproductive medicine specialist who evaluates the detailed medical histories of couples and performs the necessary physical examinations.

Our Reproductive Medicine specialist will assist the couple in identifying all potential factors that may affect fertility through consultations and examinations. Appropriate assisted reproductive treatments will then be discussed and recommended for the couple.


For Women

  • Consultation with a reproductive medicine specialist
  • Cervical smear test
  • Cervical swab for Chlamydia testing
  • Pelvic ultrasound (to examine ovarian follicle count, 3D ultrasound of the uterus)
  • Uterus and fallopian tube ultrasound (to confirm tubal patency)
  • Blood tests:


For Men

If a couple has been trying to conceive for 12 months without success, or if a woman over the age of 35 has been trying for 6 months without success, we recommend seeking assistance from a Reproductive Medicine specialist to identify the exact cause and obtain advice on resolving the issue. 


The major causes of infertility include:

Male factors

  • Sperm problems: low count, motility, vitality and/or morphology
  • No sperm present in semen: usually due to obstructions or failure of the testicles
  • Sexual dysfunctions: problems with erection or ejaculation

Female factors

  • Ovulation problems: polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian failure, other endocrine problems
  • Tubal obstruction due to previous surgery, infection or endometriosis. Sometimes fluid may accumulate in the blocked fallopian tube (‘hydrosalpinx’), which would impact natural fertility and also IVF success.
  • Endometriosis
  • Sexual dysfunctions: difficulty in vaginal intercourse

Unexplained infertility

  • No cause can be identified after investigations.

In some couples, more than one factor may be identified.



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